A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and identifies or describes the subject. For example (subject complements in bold): John is the captain. Myra looks angry. (In these examples, "the captain" and "angry" are the subject complements.


Sep 9, 2009 A complement is

  • A word or group of words that 1. Predicate Nominative < ul>
  • Noun or pronoun that explains or A Hint
    • You 

      (That also means the sentence will have a transitive active verb.) The term complement comes from the verb to complete. The predicate nominative and predicate adjective complete the meaning of a state-of-being or linking verb. The most common linking verb is to be, with its forms am, is, are, was, were, being, been. Other verbs, like seem and appear, also function in this way.

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      Alan is a nice person. An object complement is a phrase which follows a direct object and either modifies that object or denotes something identical to it. She called me a liar. They made her a star. I consider hang-gliding dangerous. A complement (notice the spelling of the word) is any word or phrase that completes the sense of a subject, an object, or a verb.

      within a framework of functional grammar, by which is understood a grammar In this position, the predicate complement is most clearly rhematic, providing 

      Object complement – an adjective/adjective phrase or noun/noun phrase that  No Grammar, No Communication The complement may be a noun or an adjective, so there are two types of S-V-C sentences: S-V-C(noun) and S-V-C(adj ). What Is an Adjective Complement?

      Grammar complement

      av AL Elmquist · 1943 · Citerat av 1 — jective predicate complement.8 Subject and object: Jag kan nog inte ens se den i del The textbooks of Swedish grammar, both those written in aliti) Den her dit 

      What does complement mean? Complement with an E is the older of the two terms. Its noun sense has been around in English since the 1300s.

      Grammar complement

      Most phrases and clauses will include a complement of some kind.

      This is how complements differ from adjuncts. Adjuncts are optional as they are usually just descriptive. from English Grammar Today Complements are one of the five major elements of clause structure.

      Den syntaktiska skillnaden mellan objekt och komplement har sin motsvarighet i en semantisk: komplementet associeras inte på samma sätt som objektet med föremålet för en handling. Objekt sätts ofta i motsats till subjekt, komplement däremot, snarare till fritt adverbial (jämför med motsatsparet inom engelsk grammatik: complement – adjunct). In clauses with linking verbs (be, seem, become), complements which follow the verb and which add information about the subject are called subject complements: Sheila is a nurse.
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      Grammar complement

      Complement is a character that contributes additional features to something insuch a way as to enhance or highlight its quality. A fine wine is a complement to a fine meal. Compliment can also be used as a noun with a slightly different meaning which is a numericalvalue or a quantity without which something is incomplete.

      What Is an Adjective Complement? · If you are learning English grammar rules then you must be aware of the importance of Adjectives and Adjective Complement. 29 Mar 2016 Grammar matters at our branding agency and today's blog focuses on when to use “complimentary” versus “complementary." At BrandTuitive  For example, your shoes may complement your dress, you and your spouse may complement each other, or minced garlic may complement a pasta dish. To  complement.

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      This study, the first in the series Studies in English Language, is concerned with the functional and communicative foundations of English grammar, and takes as 

      Business writing training will reduce the time your employees spend  3 Jun 2014 Using potential complements makes you feel like you have rock star Chinese, and it gives variation to your speech. Read on to master potential  Compliment and complement are commonly confused terms because they're pronounced alike and originally shared some meanings. 28 Nov 2020 Basic grammar rules tell us that if the subject is singular, the complement should also be singular. If the subject is plural, the complement should  18 Jul 2018 What is a Complement in English Grammar. Complement is 'a part of a clause that usually follows the verb and adds more information about the  When the predicate nominative is a pronoun, traditional grammar says it should be in the nominative (subject) case. That's logical because the complement  An objective complement (or object complement) is a word or phrase that follows a direct Parts of Speech lessons provide the building blocks of grammar.

      It is clear from this that we require the general term Complement to encompass all post-Head strings, regardless of their type. In verb phrases, a wide range of Complements can appear, but in all cases there is a strong syntactic link between the Complement and the Head.

      Den syntaktiska skillnaden mellan objekt och komplement har sin motsvarighet i en semantisk: komplementet associeras inte på samma sätt som objektet med föremålet för en handling. Objekt sätts ofta i motsats till subjekt, komplement däremot, snarare till fritt adverbial (jämför med motsatsparet inom engelsk grammatik: complement – adjunct). In clauses with linking verbs (be, seem, become), complements which follow the verb and which add information about the subject are called subject complements: Sheila is a nurse. (adding information about Sheila) All of them seemed surprised. Complements which add more information about an object are called object complements: He makes me very angry.

      It usually takes form as a noun phrase with a head noun, a determiner and possibly some modifiers. When the complement refers to the material or substance the subject is made of, you will use the partitive for the complement.