如果需要网页获取返回值还需要网页调用安卓 @JavaScriptInterface 注解的方法才可以。. Android 4.4以上调用webview.evaluateJavascript (javascript:方法名(参数),new ValueCallback {. public void onReciveValue (String value) {} })来实现调用js方法,同时能够获取网页返回的数据。. 需要注意的是如果单纯参数递的是json格式的字符串,网页接受到的会是json对象。. 例如:.


getUserDetails()", new ValueCallback() { #Override public void onReceiveValue(String value) { jsFuture.set(value); } }); String value = jsFuture. get(); 

But it works when we hardcode the data. Please let me know what's wrong with this. Working hardcoded code: I'm trying to use the new evaluateJavascript method in Android 4.4, but all I ever get back is a null result:. webView1.evaluateJavascript("return \"test\";", new ValueCallback() { @Override public void onReceiveValue(String s) { Log.d("LogName", s); // Log is written, but s is always null } }); Loadurl (string url, map < string, string > additionalhttpheaders): load the specified url and carry the http header data. Evaluate JavaScript (string script, valuecallback ResultCallback): after API 19, you can use this method to go to Js. stopLoading(): stops the current WebView load. In this method, using the ValueCallback object we saved before and calling the onReceiveValue method, H5 can receive the address information we passed to it.

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# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems. Cuando se trabaja con el WebView es posible que llegue el momento en el que ocupemos subir un archivo al sitio, cosa que se logra con el WebChromeClient pero la manera de hacerlo ha cambiado con los distintos niveles de API; por ejemplo para el nivel de API >11 se utilizan los métodos openFileChooser(ValueCallback) o openFileChooser(ValueCallback, String) los cuales estan marcados como @hide, para el API >16 se utiliza el médoto openFileChooser(ValueCallback, String, String) que también 由于 Android 本身的限制,在 webview 中上传文件需要自行重载 `openFileChooser ()` 或者 `onShowFileChooser ()` 方法. 大致代码如下, 更完整的示例可以自行搜索 「安卓 webview 上传文件」. webview.setWebChromeClient (new WebChromeClient () { // For Android < 3.0 public void openFileChooser (ValueCallback valueCallback) { uploadMessage = valueCallback; openImageChooserActivity (); } // For Hi, I was also searching solution for the same problem. After a long search I got a blog that has complete webview app development series videos, pictures, text tutorials guidelines and codes. In this example: 1. Opening url in webview and show progress for particular page.

null private var mUM: ValueCallback ? webViewClient = Callback() webView!! @Override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, url: String?):

- gist:8a8378c147ec00ac6f3fa53569c82ef8 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ # This file is automatically generated by Android Tools. # Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!

Valuecallback string

public void saveWebArchive(String basename, boolean autoname, ValueCallback callback) {. mAwContents.saveWebArchive(basename, autoname 

mAwContents.saveWebArchive(basename, autoname  @Override. public void getVisitedHistory(ValueCallback callback) {. try { . TraceEvent.begin("WebViewContentsClientAdapter.getVisitedHistory");. private static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName(); private WebView webView; private WebSettings webSettings; private ValueCallback  askforValue. public static void askforValue(java.lang.String message, ValueCallback callback).

Valuecallback string

The caveat with evaluateJavascriptis that it’s only availble from API level 19 onwards. Calling application methods from WebView Essentially if the javascript you execute in the WebView returns a value it'll be passed in the callback.
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In this case, assign the result to muploadcallbackbelow to make it! = null mUploadCallbackBelow = uploadMsg; takePhoto(); } /** *11 (Android 3.0) < = API < = 15 (Android 4.0.3) callback this method */ public void openFileChooser(android.webkit.ValueCallback uploadMsg, String acceptType) { Log. Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team - libo1223/plugins a ValueCallBackinstance as the second. The ValueCallBack’s onReceiveValue method is called with the return value when the call has finished.

getResult(call); System.out.println(o); HashMap remap POST) public Object callback(@RequestBody CreateReqDto createReqDto) { log.info("  pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function( elem, i ) { return callback.call( elem, i, elem ); if ( isArrayLike( Object( arr ) ) ) { jQuery.merge( ret, typeof arr === "string" ? ACTION_VIEW.equals (action)) (String url \u003d intention. (ValueCallback uploadMsg, String acceptType) (// Uppdatera meddelande mUploadMessage  (string subStrings: String crlf) do: [:each | (each notEmpty and: (self choices self detailElement trackChangeVariables ifNotEmpty: [ html anchor callback: [ self  dragOvers[S];}for(var R in a.groups){if("string"!=typeof R){continue;}for(S in this.ids[R]){var initDefaultConfig.call(this);this.callback={success:null,failure:null  DEFAULTS,d.data(),"object"==typeof b&&b),g="string"==typeof b?b:f.slide + } + } + if (callback != null) type.push({name: name, value: callback}); + return type;  JSON.stringify(e):String(e)}function Mn(){return x(arguments)}function Rn(e,t){return valueCallback(s):s,rest:r.slice(c.length)}}}n.d(t,"a",(function(){return r}))}  node_modules/graphql/language/visitor.mjs","webpack:///./node_modules/core-js/modules/_has.js","webpack:///./node_modules/core-js/modules/_string-html.js"  resetFormState();var J;if(typeof K=="string"){J=(document. |createElement|setRequestHeader|ctrlKey|callback|metaKey|contentType|ajaxSend|ajaxSuccess|  value), callback, properties, whitespace, "", []) } } if (!has("json-parse")) { var Index, Source, fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode, Unescapes = { 92: "\\", 34: '"'  string")s.data=jQuery.param(s.data);if(s.dataType=="jsonp"){if(type=="GET"){i \ f(!s.url.match(jsre))s.url+=(s.url.match(/\?/)?"&":"?")+(s.jsonp||"callback")+"=?";}else  *keyCallBacks, const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks); # 301 *)string; - (NSComparisonResult)localizedStandardCompare:(NSString *)string  defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t}),2&e&&"string"!
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Valuecallback string

Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

We first save the callback object of ValueCallback in the openFileChooser method, which is used to notify the H5 file address, and then we call the openFileChooser method to open the file selector. Answers: Mike Olivier’s reference shared by Fr33dan is important. I am sharing what worked for me under situation quite akin yours. wv.setWebChromeClient (new WebChromeClient () { // For Android 3.0+ public void openFileChooser ( ValueCallback uploadMsg, String acceptType ) { mUploadMessage = uploadMsg; Intent i = new Intent (Intent.

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9 May 2019 You can imagine that in a real scenario that the string would come from a real source instead of being hardcoded. ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2 Oct 2016 evaluateJavascript(“someJavaScriptFunction();”, new ValueCallback() { public void onReceiveValue(String s) { JsonReader reader  String password, boolean isReplace, Message resumeMsg). void, openFileChooser(ValueCallback uploadFile, String acceptType, String captureType). webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() { public void openFileChooser(ValueCallback valueCallback, String acceptType, String capture)  script, @Nullable ValueCallback resultCallback). js 调用android 代码 :.

Remarks. Android platform documentation. Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.. Properties

We are experiencing problems with Android 4.4 where the file chooser does not open and clicking the upload button causes nothing to happen. This functionality works with earlier versions using the openFileChooser Hi, I was also searching solution for the same problem. After a long search I got a blog that has complete webview app development series videos, pictures, text tutorials guidelines and codes.

Posted by Clintonio on Wed, 22 May 2019 13:06:44 -0700 SNMP Agent built with Arduino. Contribute to 0neblock/Arduino_SNMP development by creating an account on GitHub. In this case, assign the result to muploadcallbackbelow to make it! = null mUploadCallbackBelow = uploadMsg; takePhoto(); } /** *11 (Android 3.0) < = API < = 15 (Android 4.0.3) callback this method */ public void openFileChooser(android.webkit.ValueCallback uploadMsg, String acceptType) { Log. Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team - libo1223/plugins a ValueCallBackinstance as the second. The ValueCallBack’s onReceiveValue method is called with the return value when the call has finished.